So finally! It took 25 minutes but I finally got the 1st 5 photos of my 2003 trip to Yunnan province in China onto this site. I've been trying to get these photos up but I lost my home internet access and not having time or opportunity to put these up, I just haven't gotten to it til now.
The first photo is of a fort that was placed equidistant between two ancient pagodas in the city of Kunming where we flew in to for the start of our trip. The pagodas were of some significance but I never got a good photo of either them (too dark, no good angle on the shots) . From the top of the parapets, you could see each pagoda 500 meters to the east and west of this fortress.

The next 2 photos are of the famous nine dragon pools in NW Kunming where the intial water works for the city were established. The pools were used by the people in the area as far back as memory ca

n tell.
The next photo is of a very old temple (300-500 years ? i think) and I can't remember the name of the temple but I do remember that my siblings and I got a few shots inside the temples even though they weren't officially allowed ; )

This last photo is of the start of our road trip that would last for the next 8 days. This is taken in the front seat of the "bus" that we took from Baoshan to Ruili; actually just a large van with an aisle down some very narrow seats but it got us where we wanted to go (barely). I remember that we had left Shanghai with the temperatures hovering around 10 ° C but we flew into the aiport in Baoshan after one day in Kunming and got hit by a blast of tropical air at 32° C as we stepped off the plane. The tarmac was just a hot plate and we were the "frying Pons" at that moment.
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