After we finished walking around the Muslim quarter in the southeast part of Xian, we went back to our hotel to meet up with our driver and our tour guide. The guide suggested we take a look at the city wall which was built when the city was an army post. The city of Xian is one of only a few cities in China to have a surviving wall around the original settlement. Many were destroyed during the cultural revolution as zealous communists tried to "create" a new history of their own making, by decimating historical artifacts.

When we got to the city, we entered thru the south gate. there was too much traffic and I was too tired to pull my camera out in time, so I missed that shot. We got to the north gate near sundown and walked around for a few minutes snapping off some shots. After we had our supper at a restaurant famous for it's "dumpling feast", we came back out and took some night shots.

Nice post, I love China, I hope to go there someday
Nice blog!!!
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