Jiri watches as one of Mark's serves goes by... so this turned out to be jus like the real match where Mark dominated... as you can see I only got fotos durin the semi and the finals...that was an indication of how busy I was durin the rest of the week. Alas, I worked my butt off and didn't get much in the way of photographic proof. Oh well, the bosses saw and that's why I got invited back this year... I forgot about the thingy wher the BLOG publishes from most recent to oldest so to see these pix in the chronological order, ya gotta start from the Maters' cup poster foto and go upwards to this to see the 2003 mens & womens tournaments in Shanghai in correct order. The fotos below, again, go from the bottom, startin w/ da press conference to the blowout party after the 2004 Heineken Open.